pp108 : Cumulative Functions

Cumulative Functions

This topic describes the cumulative functions available in the default Process Platform XSLT function library.

Cumulative functions are used to perform operations on repeating elements along the Xpath of a source XML. The various cumulative functions supported by Cordys, their functionality, and parameters that have to be specified are described in the following table:

Remember: The cumulative function block accepts only integers as valid inputs. Convert all source data into a numeric format using the Numeric function.

Table 1. Cumulative Functions

Cumulative Function




Returns the sum of all the occurrences of the input element in the XPath of the source XML

Source Element - The source element whose occurrence has to be summed up is the input parameter for this function block


Returns the average of all the occurrences of the input element in the XPath of the source XML

Source Element - The source element whose occurence has to be averaged is the input parameter for this function block


Returns the number of occurrences of the input element in the XPath of the source XML

Source Element - The source element whose occurrence has to be counted is the input parameter for this function block